Async Blueprint Nodes (to fetch JSON data) For my upcoming game WARPSQUAD, I was curious how easy it is to fetch data from a web service to be displayed in-game. The initial use case is a simple Message of the Day (MOTD)...
Exploring DLSS 2.0 in Unreal Engine Last year Nvidia announced DLSS 2.0 with the ability to open this new anti-aliasing solution for all games. The game-specific deep learning is no longer required as it was with prior iterations. For an indie...
New ‘Action Roguelike’ C++ Project on GitHub For the Stanford University Fall 2020 Curriculum, I built a small game project using mainly C++ mixed with some Blueprint in Unreal Engine. For those interested, the entire Computer Science course (CS193U) was provided through...
Asset Manager for Data Assets & Async Loading What is Asset Manager? The Asset Manager in Unreal Engine lets you manage your content with more control over loading/unloading and even loading only parts of an asset when set up correctly (by using soft-references...
Stylized Rendering in WARPSQUAD Welcome to the first development log for WARPSQUAD! For the past two years, I’ve been working on a co-op space rogue-lite. And now it’s about time I started showing off the game and getting a...
EPIC MegaGrants Recipient! I’m happy to announce I am the recipient of an EPIC MegaGrant for future intermediate/advanced level tutorials! What exactly will be covered is TBA but I think many will be pleased to know it’s not...
Making C++ Arrays with Structs more readable in Unreal Editor Editing Arrays containing Structs in Unreal Engine has some bad UX. Especially for arrays with many entries as each element provides no context to its contents until you expand each element in the UI to...
Auto-detect Optimal Graphics Settings for Unreal Unreal Engine can auto-detect ‘optimal’ (graphical) settings per player based on a quick CPU and GPU benchmark. The functions are available in Blueprint to hook up into your game’s options menu. Behind the scenes, the...
Moving Unreal Engine Camera While Game Is Paused You can enable camera movement while the game is paused by setting a few simple options: bShouldPerformFullTickWhenPaused and bIsCameraMoveableWhenPaused.
Optimize Shader Compilation & Package Sizes Unreal Engine Project Settings allow a major reduction (up to 50%) of shader permutations affecting shader compile times, package size, and load times. You can find the options under the Engine > Rendering > Shader...