Mod-support for your Unreal Engine Game Introduction I will be running you through the process of setting up a mod (or “User Generated Content”) for your Unreal Engine 4 game. I’ve created a sample FPS project with a simple mod included,...
Circular Progress Bar for UMG We recently added a new locking feature to Switch for which we needed to have progress feedback. For this I built a circular progress bar in UMG. I’m giving away the material to use in your...
Dirty Bomb’s Health Station Effect Dirty Bomb is a first person shooter currently in open beta. I’ve been playing it for a bit and am really enjoying the game. As usual some of the effects caught my eye and got...
Using C++ Timers in Unreal Engine Timers are incredibly helpful for gameplay programming in Unreal Engine. However, the syntax can be a little tricky if you’re unfamiliar with C++. This blog post will cover all the essential features and syntax for...
Holographic Weaponsight Material using BumpOffset As a small personal experiment I built a holographic weapon sight in Unreal Engine 4 a while back. Some people were wondering how it was made and it is really quite simple – it all...
Distance Fields in Unreal Engine Unreal Engine leverages the power of Signed Distance Fields for Ambient Occlusion and more recently added Ray Traced Distance Field Soft Shadows. I will briefly discuss and demonstrate both effects as a result of some...
Gradient Fresnel Shading for Rim Lighting Background During the Unreal 4 Beta I experimented a lot with materials, one of these experiments was inspired by Star Wars: The Old Republic’s cinematic character lighting presentation. I wondered how their ambient fresnel shading...
Custom Depth in Unreal Engine Unreal Engine 4 introduced a new depth buffer along with its PBR rendering system. It’s called “Custom Depth” and can be used for effects like the selection outline that is built-in in the Editor, rendering...
Multiplayer Interaction System in Blueprint Introduction By popular demand I created this Blueprint tutorial variation based on my earlier UsableActor tutorial in C++. In case your project has a C++ back-end already I would recommend following that tutorial instead. In...
Basic Inventory System in Blueprint Introduction This is part two of a tutorial series, please first complete one of the following tutorials: Part 1 in C++ Part 1 in Blueprint In this part I will show you how to build...