Easily Add Custom ‘Project Settings’ to Unreal Engine (.INI)
You might be placing all your settings and tweakable options in Blueprints or even hard-coded in C++. Unreal Engine does have the option to easily add more configuration settings in the INI config file system using the Developer Settings class. You are probably familiar with the existence of these configuration INI files already. DefaultGame.ini, DefaultEngine.ini, etc. are built using this class and the Unreal Editor’s Project Settings and Editor Settings use this system.
New in Unreal Engine 5 is DeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars which adds easy binding with Console Variables (CVars) and project/editor settings. I’m explaining this new feature at the bottom of this post.
This system requires some (basic) C++ to define the variables, so even without programming experience, it’s relatively easy to use.
Setting up Developer Settings & Configuration Files
// Example of configuration file content. These files are located in MyProject/Config/*.ini
By deriving a new C++ class from UDeveloperSettings you can easily add your own. The [CategoryName] will be your Project + ClassName: [/Script/ActionRoguelike.SaveGameSettings] in the case of my open-source Action Roguelike GitHub project.
Configuration Files use key-value pairs Key=Value and support file paths and even arrays. We’ll be filling an FString and asset path to assign a DataTable via the INI file.
DeveloperSettings is a Module. Creating a UDeveloperSettings derived class will add this module to your .uproject automatically. If it doesn’t or you want all your modules in the .Build.cs file then you should add DeveloperSettings manually.
Defining Developer Settings in C++
Below you’ll find an example from the sample project, make sure you expose it to the editor as well (EditAnywhere) so it shows up in your Project Settings automatically (see screenshot below).
UCLASS(Config=Game, defaultconfig, meta = (DisplayName="Save Game Settings")) // Give it a better looking name in UI
class ACTIONROGUELIKE_API USSaveGameSettings : public UDeveloperSettings
/* Default slot name if UI doesn't specify any */
UPROPERTY(Config, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "General")
FString SaveSlotName;
/* Soft path will be converted to content reference before use */
UPROPERTY(Config, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "General", AdvancedDisplay)
TSoftObjectPtr<UDataTable> DummyTablePath;
- Config – Exposes the variable to the INI file specified in the UCLASS in the top (Game = DefaultGame.ini)
- EditAnywhere – Exposes it to the Project Settings window.
- BlueprintReadOnly – Exposes variables to be accessed in Blueprint Graph via the “GetClassDefaults” node.
- defaultconfig – “Save object config only to Default INIs, never to local INIs.” (local INIs are in your MyProject/Saved/Config/… folder)
- Config=Game – Store in DefaultGame.ini, other examples include Engine, Input.

To access the developer settings in C++ we use the CDO (Class Default Object) as that is already automatically instanced for us and accessed using GetDefault<T>();
void USSaveGameSubsystem::Initialize(FSubsystemCollectionBase& Collection)
const USSaveGameSettings* SGSettings = GetDefault<USSaveGameSettings>(); // Access via CDO
// Access defaults from DefaultGame.ini
SlotName = SGSettings->SaveSlotName;
// Make sure it's loaded into memory .Get() only resolves if already loaded previously elsewhere in code
UDataTable* DummyTable = SGSettings->DummyTablePath.LoadSynchronous();
We can’t store direct pointers to content files, but we can use soft asset paths and resolve them in code once we need them. Make sure you actually load in the asset manually as otherwise it may or may not sit in memory yet (eg. when you already opened the asset once in your current editor session).
The neat thing about configuration files is that the values are stored as plain text and not compiled to binary, unlike C++ and Blueprint. They can be changed easily even after you already packaged your game.
Developer Settings Blueprint Access
Getting read-only access to the configuration settings is very easy using the GetClassDefaults node. Make sure you mark your variables BlueprintReadOnly for them to show up.

Game User Settings
If you want to store player configurable settings there is a different class available: GameUserSettings. This class already includes a bunch of settings including graphical options. Here you might want to add mouse sensitivity, FOV, etc.
New in Unreal Engine 5.0 is DeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars which adds easy binding with Console Variables (CVars) and project/editor settings.
This new class lets us bind console variables to project settings and easily change and store defaults either per developer or project-wide. In practice this means we can define default values in the INI files and at runtime change them using console variables.
An example of this can be found in the Lyra Starter Game which was released with UE5.0. The LyraWeaponsDebugSettings has several properties for debugging trace hits. By using DeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars and the ConsoleVariable meta-specifier you can bind the variables together.
// Should we do debug drawing for bullet traces (if above zero, sets how long (in seconds)
UPROPERTY(config, EditAnywhere, Category=General, meta=(ConsoleVariable="lyra.Weapon.DrawBulletTraceDuration")
float DrawBulletTraceDuration;
The Console Variable is still defined elsewhere. In the example, you can find the CVar inside LyraGameplayAbility_RangedWeapon.cpp:
namespace LyraConsoleVariables
static float DrawBulletTracesDuration = 0.0f;
static FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarDrawBulletTraceDuraton(
TEXT("Should we do debug drawing for bullet traces (if above zero, sets how long (in seconds))"),
Then access the CVar by using the Namespace and the static float, not the variable in the Settings file.
if (LyraConsoleVariables::DrawBulletTracesDuration > 0.0f)
static float DebugThickness = 1.0f;
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), StartTrace, EndTrace, FColor::Red, false, LyraConsoleVariables::DrawBulletTracesDuration, 0, DebugThickness);
From testing this out in the Action Roguelike project, it’s important to manually apply the CVARs from INI during PostInitProperties()
with the example below or check out the RogueDeveloperSettings.
void URogueDeveloperSettings::PostInitProperties()
if (IsTemplate())
// We want the .ini file to have precedence over the CVar constructor, so we apply the ini to the CVar before following the regular UDeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars flow
UE::ConfigUtilities::ApplyCVarSettingsFromIni(TEXT("/Script/ActionRoguelike.RogueDeveloperSettings"), *GEditorPerProjectIni, ECVF_SetByProjectSetting);
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
This new addition can be quite nice to easily set defaults in your project settings that are either per-user or per project. The shown example specifies UCLASS(config=EditorPerProjectUserSettings)
to have this stored per developer.
For more details and examples we’re using Developer Settings to configure a SaveGame system in my Unreal Engine C++ Pro Course. The project source is available to browse on GitHub. Make sure you check it out!
Follow me on Twitter for more Unreal-related content or have a look at my other C++ Tutorials and tricks such as an easy way to Auto-detect optimal graphics settings.
Hey Tom, thanks for the write up!
It seems with the DeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars setup described that the static parameter declaration overwrites any user-defined values in the ini files. Do you know how to resolve this problem? I tried other flags besides ECVF_Default such as ECVF_SetByProjectSetting, but with no success. Ideally, the parameters would initialize from the specified ini file (e.g. DefaultEngine.ini) and then allow for runtime overriding via console variable.
I’ve found the issue, we must implement the function in PostInitProperties to manually apply the CVARs from the INI file. I’ve added the code implementation on GitHub: https://github.com/tomlooman/ActionRoguelike/blob/master/Source/ActionRoguelike/Development/RogueDeveloperSettings.cpp (and as part of the updated article above)
Hi Tom
Thanks for the article :)
I was wondering if its possible to use UObject pointer instead of Asset references as member variable for USSaveGameSettings (referring to your example).
So, a UClass with EditInlineNew paired with Instanced specifier for UProperty.
I saw a similar setup in WaterEditorSettings (FWaterBodyLakeDefaults uses UWaterWavesBase ObjectPtr), but cannot get it to work. It always reset the pointer to null on editor reload.
I have never tried that either, only soft references to assets which work pretty well. You could also try to limit the allowed class to assign with things such as “AllowedClasses” or similar meta-specifiers.
You are able to create custom config files that exist outside of the main default config files, as well as access them at runtime. I’m not sure how to get those files to show up in the project settings. Do they HAVE to be subclasses of developer or user settings?
I’m not sure about that either – I guess the dev settings class is what handles populating the settings UI.